They came from planet plastic

They came from...
(or was that poundland)

oh and this chap was from Reading
Thristle Tongue - Shock Headed Peters
a 'green fingered' track to accompany some summer planting...


I am not Kek-w said…
Some kinda installation thing goin' on there...

like it!
Cloudboy said…
thanks Kek - sorta like a barbie torture device don't yer think...

i tell yer poundland's just crammed full of the strangest things... I'd swear the places are cleverly disgusted portals to another dimension...
I am not Kek-w said…
'Barbie torture device' - LOL!

Bought some of my fave DVds in Poundland...triple bills of 40s/50s horror z-flicks for a quid