Lazy paint elasticised squiggles - noodles slipping fork
Big bands of pleasure sucked into then spat out
Cut across see (saw) crazy paved criss-cross
Flocks of birds shaped like cars race dart
Sequenced erosion abrasion
Bottles on spinning plates popping plastic
Horns - a grinding metal baptism in giant iron boots – parasitic mice nibble
Clashing sabres crunchy oscillations
As a scraping ‘trolley dash’ slips and slides on an oily floor
Fast suction, squeal BABY squeal – a brutalised banquet - body gripping table divinely – a contorted force-fed pleasure
Painful jazz skewered head
Winds down devoured – rippling slivers - floating dots orbit a clawed hand
Drunken lights, multicoloured fish food flakes - a collapsing de-oxygenated ache
Reprised last stand of shimmering violence – de-constructed by audience bird song...
Trk (1) Volume 0ne – live (out pouring) from Rio...
courtesy of the ever wonderful Menthe De Chat
others from Frithlang and Muwei/Fst here too
kkfs / menthe de chat