From the Bunker

The aftermath of Ice Bird Spiral’s first gig to an audience of house spiders and dust mites, who all sadly vibrated into oblivion...


my kinda gig.
our first gig was to an audience of aged aunts and uncles who did not appreciate van der graaf generator!

did you get the invite? c'mom!
Cloudboy said…
hiya cj - luckily we recorded the results so future generations of aunts and uncles can gasp in horror...

yep got your invite, been a bit busy of recent, but will be posting a few fleshy warp-ages soon(ish)
Anonymous said…
So did anyone make bootlegs? And when is the euro stadium tour starting?...I need tickets I tell you. TICKETS!...

Sorry about that... Good to hear you had fun ;)
Cloudboy said…
oh yes - fun it was...