Suitably neon pink and fuzzy, this is the fourth instalment of the ‘Capitaine Present’ series from El-g - A 20mins audio/visual delight sourced from Google. It’s a cut n paste affair of jumbled images, flashing colours/shapes and handwritten scrawl burning a long-lasting acidic after image. Guess I’m missing out on some of the comedy here – wishing my French was better, but without the aid of subs it still manages to leave you in a state of constant amusement or should that be bemusement. I think the bargain here though must be the audio only extras that compile all the previous excursions in the series. A 50+ minute oddball mixture of dialogue and random instrument firings that jangle with your synapses. Loving that ‘Faust’ type of aesthetic that litters each release, those brief song snatches that blend with the more experimental shifts into bizarredom, unexpected diversions, which result in some absolutely ludicrous moments to be treasured. E-lg really seems to be onto a winner here, playfully mixing up all those endless possibilities and giving narrative an arbitrary and accidental life of its own.
Available from Tanzprocesz
