Thought Forms album launch including the Skaters and PARA

Monday 4th May @ The Louisiana, Bristol

My head was quite shell-shocked due to jet-lag, having just got back from New York that morning... feeling seriously floaty it was a pleasure for PARA to take my glycaemic phantoms and make sinister hand shadows with them… her ritualistic throat violence, a shivering and hungry vox preying on my astral other in witchy wails, everything coated in this curious antique vibe, like a dusty 78 spinning out from another galaxy…

The Skaters did two solo shows instead of an expected duo show of force… Spencer Clark played around with his collection of Casio slabs… creating a hefty preset Congo shuffle that drummed out the tempo, while a keyboard overlay poly-filled the cavities in jaunty secondaries, reminiscent of bag-pipes, or was it more Moroccan spice? Full of toe tapping and body shaking goodness.

Next up James Ferraro produced a caustic sauce of skipping textures, riddled with scraped intersections , early Tangerine Dream tangles and more undefined magicks, the overlays creating screams of gargoyles and arcane languages, forcing you through lush and colourful explorations… so additive, I completely forgot to take any pics…

Thought Forms were tremendous, the best they’ve ever been, literally exploding in vivid rainbows, the pristine sound collapsing into the ears in ever evolving shapes and textures, leaving you in a serotonin induced trance…

Album tracks were duly messed around with, as swirling circuits were etched on the back of solid riffery… that creamy delay of Deej’s vox on Nothing is as Easy as you think was simply gorgeous, then a new song broke the ranks in curved arabesques and lush vocal blooms…

Just as you thought all the treats were spent, Team Brick joined them on stage, all shouty and raped cymbal grate, the rest burning up around him in some seriously mind melting screeeech . I often hear ghostings of other bands in Thought Forms music, but tonight they were their own beast, dying out in the crackling sizzle of electronics and limping ampage…
