Scottish Trip


The Great Baarsini said…
Looks like a good trip!

I had a chance to go to Volcanic Tongue in 2004 when I was in Glasgow for C93 but I was quite broke at the time (the trip was expensive enough) so I didn't... Better not to give into temptation hhiihihi...

Hope you are well!
Cloudboy said…
yeah, stayed in the grounds of that scottish castle (top pic), woke up each morning laughing at the pheasants road runner antics... a great time was had by all... V Tongue was a bit of a pilgrimage , too much lovely stuff, far too seductive ...had a nice chat with david k about T ponies and brought a scorces cdr that was all wobbly goodness, barn owl cd, cyclobe second album and some boxed vinyl by Thunder cloud pagoda (all dronekraut riffage)...but must have put a ton of stuff back