Absolutely loving this latest offering from Bristol's Saturation Point, those breezy autobahn imperatives and electronische graffiti sprays are bloody excellent... themes flip in and out of focus, ferment in swathes of Korg yawn and heady exhaust fumes, mutate into new and more infectious concoctions...
It all starts like a train pulling out of the station, an ease of metal fatigue and effects warble, like someone trying to strike a psilocybin match... then you're slammed straight into a feel good rush... buzzy modulations, bone dry percussion, and a complement of chintzy guitar sparks... The stick work is amazing, everything's got this sunny vibe... even when it takes a Kraftwerkian dip, you can feel the energy being re-directed, churned around...
When the drums hit again, they are chisel hard hammers, pure adrenaline anviled prangs, no luke warm synthesis, but proper drums... multi tracking, upping the action, mixing with a mean momentum and slipstreams of electronic vapour... your eyes lost in the bubble wrap contours of frothy surf or bending back on wobbly pins...
The synth work reminds me of Thighpaulsandra's, all loose and trippy...full of textural chasms. When it falls backwards on itself in a charmed snake hypno.. that dubby, radiophonic gurgle of scissors and desert winds eats you up with its delirious elegance... whirl fingering your mind...
By the time the drums are flung in the forefront again, you're completely hooked... as time is literally ripped open by jetsetter guitar sunsets and a hail of smeared shapes are forced down a hurdy gurdy crocus of Armenian patterns. Gorgeous cracks from the electronics spill out of the fractures, tram line flashes of damp blue, the core rhythm getting more untameable, distorted like a smudged and maligned 'Big Country' pummelled in hot polystyrene meteors. This is rather special.