Hot on the heels of Windmill Moth Glue’s Wizard Entrails comes this limited sackcloth goodie … a tour (only) EP taster of future warped realities…loving the DIY vibe... it’s morbid jubilee-esque arts, enclosed recipe sheet and ciggie burnt typography goes somewhat to describing the caricatured glee it contains…
The first track Queenies Gonna Gitya drops you in the deep end , as little goblin children skip around in varying states of deranged merriment, throwing caustic gob balls at a scurrying piano mice backing… later falling over in a hilarity of Suspiria witch screams before dispatching the last rodent stragglers with baking trays…
The malevolent cabaret that's Walk on Christian Terrorist notches up the ante further in a Tiger Lilies styled tale of tongue in cheek anarchy, complete with skewered toy town musical backing and insanely visceral throat action … the lyrics skipping out a shadowplay of hunchback ghoulishness and grotesque reasoning…
By the third track The Politefully Perfect Piss Farm of Apathy things are given a jazzier edge, vocals turned down to a Virgin Prunes dementia… a snidely Dickensian ‘Pig Children’ sinister... complete with filthy habits and slippery floor glide… Some foamy mouthed intoxication of hoof piano, bassy scoops, and stray chopsticks that undulates nicely in the head... before it's hijacked in the damaged keyboard and mock weeping of the Starving Song, a strange sermon-like ditty that ends proceedings in a bucket of unresolved tears...